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CTAE Pathways

Thomas County Central High School’s P.R.E.P. Academy is proud to offer students the opportunity to pursue both educational and career goals by taking courses in the Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) department. We currently offer students 19 career pathway options in 10 different program areas. A CTAE Pathway is a sequence of three courses that match a student’s academic and career interests, which provide hands-on training and skill building in a career area.

CTAE courses are described in the Program Guide and Course Catalog linked below.

Credentials of Value

Students who complete a CTAE Pathway will take an End of Pathway Assessment (EOPA) to earn a work-related credential of value (COV) in his or her chosen area of study.

Career & Technical Student Organizations

Students enrolled in CTAE courses are also invited to participate in Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). TCCHS offers 5 CTSO options.

  • Agriculture - FFA
  • Audio Video, Automotive, and Welding - SkillsUSA
  • Business and Information Technology - FBLA
  • Early Childhood - FCCLA
  • Health Science - HOSA


Course Descriptions

For more information and course descriptions, see the Program Guide and Course Catalog.