- Athletic
- Back to School
- Chromebook Agreement
- Drivers License Requirements
- Graphing Calculator Agreement
- Help A Child Smile
- Parking Permit
- Permission
- Student Information
- Student Survey Opt Out
- Work Permit
- Yearbook
All TCCHS student-athletes should complete this form on DragonFly. If not possible, please complete, sign this form and return it to your coach.
Todos los estudiantes atletas de TCCHS deben completar este formulario en DragonFly. Si no es posible, complete, firme este formulario y devuélvaselo a su entrenador.
Forma física requerida por la Asociación de Escuelas Secundarias de Georgia. Los exámenes físicos son válidos por un año calendario y son necesarios para participar en cualquier deporte de la escuela secundaria. Este formulario se actualizó en julio de 2022.
All TCCHS student-athletes should complete this form on DragonFly. If not possible, please complete, sign this form and return it to your coach.
Physical form required by the Georgia High School Association. Physicals are good for one calendar year and are required for participation in any high school sport. This form was updated July, 2022.
Para particpar en un programa deportiva de TCCHS, los estudiantes deben completar un formulario de consentimiento do participacion.
To participate in a TCCHS sports program, students must complete a participation consent form.
SB 60, Jeremy Nelson and Nick Blakely Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act, requires schools to hold an informational meeting twice per year regarding the symptoms and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest. At such informational meeting, an information sheet on sudden cardiac arrest symptoms and warning signs shall be provided to each student's parent or guardian. All TCCHS student-athletes should complete this form on DragonFly at If not possible, please complete, sign this form and return it to your coach.
SB 60, Jeremy Nelson y Nick Blakely Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act, requiere que las escuelas celebren una reunión informativa dos veces al año sobre los síntomas y las señales de advertencia de un paro cardíaco repentino. En dicha reunión informativa, se proporcionará una hoja de información sobre los síntomas de un paro cardíaco repentino y las señales de advertencia a los padres o tutores de cada estudiante. Todos los estudiantes atletas de TCCHS deben completar este formulario en DragonFly en Si no es posible, complete, firme este formulario y devuélvaselo a su entrenador.
Back to School
- Click on the blue hyperlink to open each form.
- Click on the blank lines to add requested information.
- By typing your name and or the student’s name on the signature line, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to follow the guidelines of the document.
- Add your student’s name to the title of the document and then download and save the document to your device. (i.e. form.Student-name.pdf)
- Send the document as an email attachment to your child’s homeroom teacher by the requested date or before the 5th day of class.
- If you have questions, please email your child’s homeroom teacher. You may also call the front desk at your child’s school.
To complete all the documents listed below in one file, click one of the links below.
Clinic Card Update | SPANISH | |
Field Trip Permission Form | ENGLISH | SPANISH |
McKinney Vento (Only return if this applies to your child) | ENGLISH | SPANISH |
No Publicity Form (Only return if this applies to your child) | ENGLISH | SPANISH |
Occupational Survey | ENGLISH | SPANISH |
Student Handbook Affirmation | ENGLISH | SPANISH |
Student Internet Acceptable Use Agreement | ENGLISH | SPANISH |
Chromebook Agreement
Thomas County Central High School provides a Chromebook for each student. This contract details students’ responsibilities for the care of the Chromebook that will be issued to them at the beginning of the school year. This agreement will remain in effect until the student graduates or withdraws from Thomas County Central High School. To opt out at any time, please contact the school at (229) 225-5050.
Drivers License Requirements
Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP): In Georgia, teens under 18, by law, must prove that they have completed ADAP to obtain their Class D driver's license. A student who successfully completed ADAP at TCCHS can request a copy of their ADAP Certificate in the front office at TCCHS. If the Certificate of Enrollment and the ADAP Certificate are requested at the same time, there is no additional charge for the ADAP Certificate. If you did not pass or meet all requirements for ADAP, you can register online to take eADAP by clicking HERE.
Certificate of Enrollment: A Certificate of Enrollment is required of any student who is attempting to earn their beginning driver's license. A Certificate of Enrollment documents that a student is enrolled and in good standing at a school. There is a $2.00 fee for a Certificate of Enrollment and students should make a request two days in advance in the front office.
Joshua's Law: To receive a certificate, you need to complete the following requirements: pass the class, pass the final, 30 hours of classroom instruction (can not miss more than 10 days, excused or unexcused), and turn in a signed contract. If you did not pass or meet all requirements in class, you can take the course online at You have to pay for the online course.
To request an ADAP Certificate, Certificate of Attendance, and/or Joshua's Law, click on the link below.
drivers license form
Graphing Calculator Agreement
Some classes require the need of a graphing calculator. A student can check one out with the recommendation of a teacher. This contract details students’ responsibilities for the care of the graphing calculator that will be issued to them. This agreement will remain in effect until the student graduates or withdraws from Thomas County Central High School. To opt out at any time, please contact the school at (229) 225-5050.
Help A Child Smile
TCCHS has arranged for Help A Child Smile to provide any student at our school with dental care. Every year, over 51 million school hours are lost due to poor oral health. Help A Child Smile addresses this national crises by offering in-school dental care, bringing the care to the need at NO COST TO YOUR SCHOOL.
Click HERE to complete the permission form.
Parking Permit
Students need to complete this form to participate in off-campus activities and field trips sponsored by the Thomas County School District.
All guests to any dance at TCCHS must be approved before they are allowed to attend.
Permission form for participation in off-campus activities and field trips sponsored by the Thomas County School District.
Students must have this form signed by an official of the college they are visiting and return it to TCCHS within 3 days of their visit.
Student Information
Student Survey Opt Out
Work Permit
Complete this form to recognize a senior in the yearbook. For questions, please contact Michelle Outlaw at